Life Updates

-Life Update: Summer 2020-

Hello… Nah I’m just kidding, how are you??? It’s been, what feels like, years since I’ve written! A lot of things have been happening since the last depressing post I published. Yes, the month of July kinda sucked for the most part, but some really great things have happened and you must be updated! Since the last post, I’ve announced the upcoming launch of my brand! Let’s talk about…

-Life Update: Spring 2020-

Ahhhh, quarantine… Nothing better than a nice virus to kick off this year’s spring season, am I right? In all seriousness, how is this whole quarantine time treating you? DM me, I’d love to hear about it! But anyway, the last time I wrote was March 7th, those were simpler times. Since then, my job was put on hold, the church was moved to online, I purchased a few things I can’t use…

– Life Update: Fall 2019 –

Hey guys! I’m going to rail off from my usual style of posts to give you guys an update. Nothing major has been happening, but man, since school started I have been nonstop busy. I am homeschooled, which means I probably have way more free time than students who go to school do, but that is precisely the reason why I’m so busy. Here are a few 2019 highlights, from after I created my site, to…